Key Control Makes a Good New Year’s Resolution

At this time of year the entertainment and news media are brimming with advice on how to successfully accomplish those New Year’s resolutions. Whether it’s a weight loss goal, realizing a dream on your bucket list or sticking to your resolve on your “un-bucket” list (i.e. never watch another reality TV show), the advice all seems to come down to the fact that success depends on developing and sticking to a plan.

For organizations who have resolved to implement a key control and asset management strategy in the New Year, careful planning is essential for success. Regardless of the size or type of facility, managed key control can help any organization in minimizing and monitoring risk. The automated systems are designed to control, manage and track keys and only release them to authorized users. Online monitoring, updating and reporting capabilities enhance the functionality of a key control system and add to the integrity of the overall security plan.

These simple steps can help in developing an effective key control implementation plan.

  1. Do an inventory of all the locks in the facility and their corresponding keys.
  2. Determine who has keys and to which locks.
  3. Add new locks as required to help ensure adequate security.
  4. Review operational needs to identify who may need access, where and when as well as any special needs (i.e. documentation requirements, mobile capability).
  5. Decide on system configurations and installation locations based on organizational operation and facility need.
  6. Develop key control policy to define areas of responsibility.

Whether implemented as a New Year’s resolution or as an upgrade to the overall security system, the addition of a key control and asset management system is an easy way to add an extra layer of protection for personnel, property and facilities.

What’s next? It’s clear why businesses can benefit from making key control a priority for the new year. Learn more about key management systems by filling out a quick contact form or using our key locker configurator tool.