Key Management Systems Eliminate the Compromise

Securing a facility should not be a matter of compromises. Purchasing one system instead of another because it is less expensive even though it doesn’t quite meet all the requirements. Staying with manual systems instead of upgrading to automated ones because upgrading requires personnel to learn a complex new system. Running separate systems because the technology does not allow integration. And so on . . .

Advances in security technology have eliminated many of the reasons to compromise, making new installations or system upgrades easier and more effective in securing a facility. Among new technology solutions that can easily overcome many of these barriers is an automated key control and asset management system.

Automated key control systems are designed to store and control access to facility keys including mechanical keys, card keys, master keys, key rings and even Folger Adam keys. The systems are highly functional, simple to use and enable integration with other systems.

Keys secured in the tamper-proof cabinet can only be accessed by authorized individuals with a proper code, badge or biometric identification. All access activity is automatically recorded and from this data, management has a complete history of who used which key and when as well as the current location of each key. The problem of less than accurate manual record keeping with log books or the cost of lock replacements due to lost keys is completely resolved with the system’s automatic tracking feature.

When key managements systems are integrated with related industry access and alarm systems, versus siloed systems, the result is a more streamlined solution that delivers added operational effectiveness. For example, individuals may be denied egress if they have not returned a key as scheduled.

Today’s key management systems are a vital part of any security strategy and fundamental to all efforts to secure and safeguard people, assets and buildings. And they solve problems without requiring compromises.